Thursday, June 30, 2011

Drinkin' on the Job.

"Ohh you know, just killing a 6 pack."

I seriously laughed very hard when I came up with that line. I am one of those people who think I am funny most of the time, yeah I laugh at my own jokes while my co-workers {all guys} just stare at me. So when I came walking into our office space with that one-liner they actually laughed. My next thought after thinking "finally I am funny" was why not share with my wonderful followers?… I HAVE 30 FOLLOWERS NOW! Thank you so-so-so much for following my little blog! Its means a lot and you make this girl very happy!


Claudia said...

Congrats on 30 followers!! I think I have 9 or 10, but I'll get there :)

BelleinBows said...

I think that is hilarious too!

Hannah said...

That is totally something I would do- both finishing off a 6 pack of Diet Coke by myself AND laughing hysterically at my own jokes while everyone just kind of stares.

Congrats on 30 followers! I just hit 15 this morning and I was pretty happy so I know how excited you must be!

Anonymous said...

Very cute that you laugh at your own jokes. My grandmother does that and I think it's adorable. Besides, you can't please everyone so why not laugh at your own jokes?