Friday, July 8, 2011

Love Other People's Birthdays!

Tomorrow happens to be my two best friends' birthdays. I wish I could spend the day with both of them but one is down in Cincinnati. {cough Lauren cough} So instead I picked up an amazing gift for her {can't tell you what it is because she might check my blog and I'd be crushed if she knew what she was getting in the mail!} But my good guy friend Jordan, on the other hand, I can tell you everything because this morning I made him open his present AND surprised him with custom cupcakes! We are coworkers so he couldn't escape it. I am pretty sure I am more excited about his birthday than he is. Jordan is quite the bow hunter and does everything outdoors, so what better than camo cupcakes? So here is my attempt of making camouflage frosting...

This batch of chocolate cupcakes with buttercream frosting has to be hands down one of the best I've done taste-wise. I think I finally mastered the chocolate cake batter recipe from scratch! {Yay, so I can cross that off the bucket list.} Not to mention, these cupcakes taste amazing with a can of Diet Coke. {sorry, its an addiction!}

As for his present... Keep in mind we are both engineers so the dorkier the present the better. Well I found these wind-up "toys" downtown awhile ago and put it in the back of my mind to pick one up for him once his birthday came around. They are made by the company Kikkerland and are easily an engineer's dream. You hold it in one hand while winding it all the way. Once you set it free it will walk and even climb small obstacles, like you hand. Jordan and I {as well as the other 5 engineers} spent probably an hour analyzing "how it works" this morning. So I think I made the 26-year-old birthday boy pretty happy... What's better than themed cupcakes and a brand new toy on the big day!? Haha.
Now I have to get Lauren's present in the mail! Anyone else out there gets wayyy more excited about your friend's birthdays than your own? I can't help but go a bit overboard.


Anonymous said...

Neato gift, and the cup cakes look delicious :)

Emily said...

I'd have to say I got pretty excited about my best friend's birthday in april. Guess whose birthday you get to be excited for next?!?!?

Anonymous said...

I am the same way!!! I always get way more excited for my friends' b-days than they do! I'm always up for an excuse to party extra longer or eat more than usual. :o) Plus, it's fun to make someone's day extra special.

I LOVE your camo cupcakes. Any chance you'd post the recipe or is it a secret? :o)

Charli said...

Those cupcakes look scrummy!
Love your blog, following back :) Love Charli xoxo